
Graphic showing school supplies with the text: Report Cards

Report Cards

Report cards will be sent home on February 11. You should receive an email notifying you that report card is now ready to view and will then be able to log into PowerSchool to access the report.

Graphic with silhouettes of students with the text: Curriculum Night, Wednesday, February 5

Curriculum Night Semester 2

Our Curriculum Night will take place on Wednesday, February 5 at 6:00pm. This event gives parents/guardians an opportunity to meet their students' second semester teachers and learn about course outcomes and expectations, as well as assessment and evaluation practices.

Stock image of person typing on laptop with text that says "Course Selection Information"

CPA Course Selection Information for September 2025

For Grade 9s from CPA Feeder Schools

A graphic with Will School be Cancelled text.

Inclement Weather School Cancellations

Inclement Weather  

Yearbook poster with stock images of a graduate, student friend group and football game.

Order Your Yearbook Today!

Order your yearbook today for the 2024/2025 school year! Don't delay as yearbook numbers are limited.

Order Here

Children sitting on the floor, listening to a teacher read a book

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!

This message was shared with all HRCE families on September 3, 2024. 


Are you ready? We are!

Children running with backpacks on

Happy Summer!

The following was shared with HRCE families on June 28, 2024.


And that’s a wrap on the 2023-24 school year!